Arnold Road Evangelical Church Data Protection Notice
As a church we must comply with government legislation regarding personal data that the church uses to fulfil its legitimate purpose. The church is permitted to process personal data without consent as long as it is in the legitimate interests of the church. We process relevant personal data for church members and people in regular contact with the church.
We aim to process all personal data in a fair and open way, storing it securely and disposing of it safely when we no longer need it, in accordance with our data protection policy.
Church Responsibilities
- Protection: Our aim is that this data will never be excessive or out of date, but will be accurate, will only be retained when necessary and will be protected from unauthorised access or accidental loss. We will not share your information with third parties without your consent unless the law requires us to do so.
- Transparency: We aim to inform church members and people in regular contact with the church of the data that is held about them, how it is used, stored and who has access to it.
Individual rights
- The Legislation also gives individuals certain rights to know what data is held about them and what it is used for. In principle everyone has the right to see copies of all personal data held about them. There is also a right to have any inaccuracies in data corrected or erased. People also have the right to prevent the processing of their data for direct marketing purposes.
- If you would like a copy of the data protection policy or would like to ask a question or make a request or complaint then please contact the church at [email protected]