Safeguarding Policy
The Safeguarding Policy of
Arnold Road Evangelical Church
The aim of all the activities of the church is to glorify God, and this includes every person being treated in a respectful, dignified and appropriate way.
The aim of the safeguarding policy is to ensure as far as possible that:
People to contact:
Church Safeguarding Coordinator
Mrs. Sharon Pomeroy:
To contact her, please fill out our contact form here and tick 'I'd like to speak to safeguarding coordinator' and you will be contacted asap.
Deputy Safeguarding Coordinator
Mrs. Anne Hutchby
Social Services
City children’s social care: 0115 876 4800 (for child living in City)
County children’s social care: 0300 500 80 80 (for child living in County)
0303 003 11 11 (
Renewal: The church safeguarding policy is affirmed annually at the AGM.
To see our full safeguarding policy, please contact the safeguarding coordinator (above).
Arnold Road Evangelical Church
The aim of all the activities of the church is to glorify God, and this includes every person being treated in a respectful, dignified and appropriate way.
The aim of the safeguarding policy is to ensure as far as possible that:
- No forms of abuse take place in any activities or relationships in the church especially in regard to children or vulnerable adults.
- All who work with children or vulnerable adults have a basic safeguarding awareness and know how to respond appropriately to any suspicions or allegations of abuse.
- Leaders and workers of children and youth activities undergo a DBS check and are given a copy of the child safeguarding procedure and sign adherence to it.
- You must report concerns as soon as possible to your team leader and also to the church’s Safeguarding Co-ordinator.
- If the suspicions in any way involves the Co-ordinator, then the report should be made to the Deputy, or directly to the Elders.
- If those nominated are unavailable, then either make direct contact with Social Services or contact Thirtyone:eight for advice.
People to contact:
Church Safeguarding Coordinator
Mrs. Sharon Pomeroy:
To contact her, please fill out our contact form here and tick 'I'd like to speak to safeguarding coordinator' and you will be contacted asap.
Deputy Safeguarding Coordinator
Mrs. Anne Hutchby
Social Services
City children’s social care: 0115 876 4800 (for child living in City)
County children’s social care: 0300 500 80 80 (for child living in County)
0303 003 11 11 (
Renewal: The church safeguarding policy is affirmed annually at the AGM.
To see our full safeguarding policy, please contact the safeguarding coordinator (above).